Happiness? I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Happiness

I left a comment on Leesa Barnes blog : http://www.leesabarnes.com/happiness-is-a-choice-not-an-emotion/ after she called for all of us to write about happiness.  Happiness is completely overrated.  Don’t you think?  It’s a scam – it’s something the priests and rabbis and American revolutionaries say you should pursue at all costs. Why?  Why can’t I be miserable?  I love my misery. I love my pain. 

Yeah well this is what I wrote:

“Three percent of the world’s population (check snopes and wikipedia – do not trust ninja) are naturally happy. Money or good health apparently have nothing to do with it. Just gobs and gobs of serotonin jumping from neuron to neuron I imagine. For the rest of us happiness is choice. And for everything else – of course – there’s mastercard.

Not to diminish any of the other comments, but we women are famous for believing that doing for others makes us happy – that going within and finding our inner strength and loving ourselves are the keys. The men of the species don’t have to bother with all that because, at any age, a red sports car and a looker on their arm is sufficient to make them happy. They really know how to live in the moment don’t they? (at least 3% of them anyway). I kind of like being a curmudgeon – that’s what makes me happy.”

Leesa made me happy tonight because she gave me this opportunity to gush about my despair.